Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Chapters 3 and 4 --- WMDs and Multitasking

In chapters 3 and 4 the subjects of wireless mobile devices and mulitasking are discussed. How do you feel about BYOD (bring your own device) in the classroom and can you think of a way it can be integrated to allow for some multitasking on the part of the students as a way of "keeping" their attention?

Personally as a media specialist and basically the tech coordinator for my school I love the idea of BYOD. I think it's cost effective and fun for the kids because they get to use a device they are familiar with. My principal has expressed concerns about "fairness" when it comes to BYOD -- he doesn't want anyone to feel that their students are getting less of an education because they don't allow, or can't afford, a mobile device like a smartphone for their children.  With that aside, after reading these chapters, I can see the benefit of even allowing students to chat with each other via text while doing a worksheet or seat work. I think it would lend itself to peer to peer help. I've always found that sometimes there are kids who learn better from other kids, so this would be very helpful for that type of student.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

In chapter 2, Rosen describes the thirteen distinct traits of the iGeneration student. The third trait focused on their ability to constantly multitask. He describes students on face book, TV on, texting, searching the internet, and studying for an exam all at the same time. Do you feel the constant waves of multimedia, has or will create students with limited attention spans? Poor critical thinking skills? Or will it build out of the box thinkers?

Monday, May 14, 2012

What "generation" are you according to Rosen in Chapter 1 and do you agree/disagree with his asessment of "iGens" and "Nets"?

I agree with Rosen's descrpitions concerning both iGens and Nets. Personally I an considered a Net (one of the older ones since I was born in 1981).  The issue of multitasking is definetly something I am familiar with. The description of the multiple computer windows open to various pages, music in the background as well as the tv, sounds like a typical night for me as an undergrad. Even now as I'm writing this I'm multitasking...I'm sitting in my car, waiting for my 6 year old's 3rd at bat at a t-ball game, Phillies game on the radio, and blogging from my Android.
My point of view thus far in the reading, as an educator, is that I think we don't give our students enough credit for what they are capable of.  I would love to see an end to paper and pencil homework to allow for more student creativity.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


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